
Event Architects To Know in 2024 - Jennifer Sauber, Meetings Made Simple, LLC

Jennifer Sauber, of Meetings Made Simple, LLC, discusses how she builds and plans meetings and events in the evolving hospitality landscape of 2024.



Welcome to the HopSkip Planner Spotlight Series, where we highlight event professionals making waves across the events industry to share lessons learned and raise awareness of their invaluable contributions.

Name: Jennifer Sauber

Company Name: Meetings Made Simple, LLC

Job Title: Owner

Can you briefly tell us about your background in event planning and how you got started in the industry?
Like many in the meetings and events industry, it found me, not the other way around! After graduating college, I began working for a non-profit organization where I was responsible for coordinating various fundraising events, including walks, golf outings and galas. Through this experience, I found my organizational skills and ability to lead both committees and volunteers were a perfect fit for managing events.
Transitioning into corporate meetings and events, I quickly realized the foundation I laid working with Board for Directors, committees, sponsors, and budget management made the transition to working in the for-profit sector a little easier. Over the span of 25+ years in the industry, I have developed a wealth of knowledge and expertise within the industry. Currently, I am leveraging my extensive background to drive success within my own venture, Meetings Made Simple, LLC.
How do you go about selecting the perfect hotel or venue? What factors weigh most heavily in your decision?
When selecting a hotel or venue, I first need to understand the goals and vision of my stakeholders. This is the guiding principle behind finding the perfect fit. With the stakeholder’s goals and vision in mind, other factors to consider include air lift, accessibility to possible activities (restaurants, excursions, etc.), and the venue’s ability to attract and excite attendees about attending the event. Additional factors that are pivotal in the decision-making process include budget, prioritization of safety, and the hotel’s ability to execute a fantastic program (e.g., is the venue adequately staffed and has the resources to meet the anticipated demands of the event).
What does the initial planning phase of securing a venue look like for you? Could you walk us through your initial steps?
The initial planning phase of securing a venue begins with identifying the city or region for the event. Once the location is determined, I will reach out to the Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) to understand what might be taking place around the event dates I will be sourcing. Understanding, if there are city-wide or concurrent events that could potentially impact venue availability and rates, is helpful to know early on in the sourcing process.
Engaging with the CVB also provides valuable guidance on venue(s) that align with the event's scope and requirements, allowing me to identify venue(s) that are a good fit and those that are not from the start. If there is a venue of interest, reaching out to the NSO is also a good first step.
Gathering these details and information prior to sending out the RFP helps to streamline the venue selection process.
What common financial challenges often arise when organizing an event, what strategies do you use to mitigate them, and how do you avoid them?

Common financial challenges that can arise in the planning process include unforeseen expenses, budget overruns, and fluctuating costs. To mitigate these challenges effectively, I use several strategies.
First, developing a comprehensive budget that encompasses all anticipated expenses is crucial. Allocating a dedicated contingency line item within the budget specifically earmarked for unforeseen expenses serves as a proactive measure to address unexpected financial challenges. Additionally, monitoring the budget on a regular basis is another way to mitigate financial challenges. Identifying potential budget issues early allows for adjustments to prevent going over budget or allows me to manage overruns appropriately. Finally, I am always open and transparent with my stakeholders and vendors. Providing regular updates on budgetary status and potential challenges ensures no one is caught off guard if there are unforeseen financial challenges.
How do you leverage technology to boost efficiency during the planning, execution, and post-event stages? What does your “event tech stack” look like? (For example, using Survey Monkey for surveying attendees post-event)
Leveraging technology has become an indispensable tool in all phases of event planning, execution, and post-event activities. As the landscape of event technology continues to evolve, integrating the right tools into one's "event tech stack" is crucial for optimizing productivity.
During the planning phase, I use platforms such as Zoom and Google Meet to facilitate seamless communication and collaboration among stakeholders and team members.. Google Forms serves as a versatile tool for collecting and organizing essential data, such as attendee feedback.
Throughout the event execution phase, I rely on tried-and-true tools like Excel for managing budgets, timelines, and other logistical details. Its flexibility and familiarity make it an invaluable resource for organizing and tracking critical information.
While my "event tech stack" may not include the latest and most advanced technologies, it reflects effective tools to optimize efficiency and productivity.
Do you use frameworks, templates, or other tools/documents to help you stay organized and manage the event planning process?
Utilizing templates and frameworks is crucial to facilitating consistency and efficiency. Whether it's event timelines, budgets, checklists, or communication materials, having pre-established templates saves me time and effort by providing a starting point that can be customized to fit the specific needs of each event.
Do you have any specific strategies or insights for enhancing the attendee experience at your events?
Enhancing the attendee experience is a multifaceted process that requires an understanding of the demographics, preferences, and expectations of participants. I believe tailoring the event experience to meet the diverse needs of attendees across different generations is key to fostering engagement and satisfaction.
Creating inclusive and interactive experiences that cater to a wide range of interests and preferences is essential. Incorporating diverse programming, entertainment options, and networking opportunities ensures that attendees feel valued and engaged throughout the event.
Effective communication is crucial in any planning process. How do you ensure you and your event stakeholders are always on the same page?
Communication is key! First and foremost, I establish a cadence of communication through regular check-in sessions, which may take the form of weekly calls, monthly meetings, or other scheduled times as deemed necessary. These sessions serve as opportunities to provide updates on progress, discuss any challenges or changes, and gather feedback from stakeholders.
It is also important to ensure the right stakeholder(s) are included in these communications and check-ins. By including key decision-makers and contributors early on, I ensure that all relevant parties are kept informed and engaged throughout the planning process. This helps to prevent misunderstandings, miscommunications, and potential roadblocks that may arise from stakeholders being out of the loop.
How do you facilitate networking opportunities among attendees? Are there any specific tactics or strategies that you recommend?
Facilitating meaningful networking opportunities among attendees is essential for fostering engagement and creating memorable experiences at events. To achieve this, I use different tactics and strategies that are tailored to the preferences and needs of their audience. A few examples include:
Structured Networking Sessions: Incorporating structured networking sessions into the event agenda provides attendees with designated time and space to connect with others. This can include speed networking sessions, roundtable discussions, or facilitated icebreaker activities. Structured formats help to alleviate the initial barriers to meeting new people and encourage interactions among attendees.
Gamification: Leveraging gamification elements can add an element of fun and excitement to networking activities. Event apps can be utilized to host virtual scavenger hunts, trivia games, or challenges that encourage attendees to interact with one another while working towards a common goal. By infusing elements of competition and collaboration, gamification can enhance engagement and participation in networking opportunities.
Interactive Workshops and Activities: Incorporating interactive workshops or activities into the event program can facilitate networking in a more relaxed and informal setting. Hands-on workshops, team-building exercises, or interactive demonstrations provide opportunities for attendees to collaborate, problem-solve, and connect with one another in a more relaxed environment.
Working to create memorable moments and fostering meaningful connections among attendees can leave a lasting impression.
What's your go-to plan for handling emergencies or unexpected situations during an event?
When it comes to handling emergencies or unexpected situations during an event, my approach revolves around proactive risk management and clear communication protocols. My go-to plan is outlined below.
Preparation and Planning: Prior to the event, I ensure that a comprehensive risk management plan is in place. This plan outlines potential emergency scenarios, corresponding response protocols, and designated roles and responsibilities for event staff and stakeholders. Understanding the emergency procedures of the venue and sharing internal procedures within our organization is fundamental to preparedness.
Communication Protocols: Clear and effective communication is crucial during emergencies. Established communication protocols that facilitate quick and coordinated response efforts. This includes establishing primary and backup communication channels, such as two-way radios, mobile phones, and messaging platforms (e.g., event app), to ensure seamless communication among event staff and stakeholders.
Training and Awareness: Event staff and volunteers are provided with thorough training on emergency response procedures and protocols. This includes familiarizing them with evacuation routes, assembly points, and procedures for contacting emergency services. Additionally, attendees are briefed on emergency procedures upon arrival, ensuring they are aware of how to respond in the event of an emergency.
I strive to ensure a proactive and coordinated approach to handling emergencies during events, prioritizing the safety and security of all involved.
Can you share an example of a significant challenge you faced while planning an event conference and how you overcame it?
One significant challenge I encountered while planning a conference was unexpected inclement weather that threatened to disrupt outdoor activities and transportation arrangements for attendees. I quickly held an emergency meeting with key stakeholders, including venue staff, transportation providers, and event staff. Together, we developed a contingency plan that included alternative indoor activities, adjusted transportation schedules, and communication strategies to keep attendees informed of any changes. Additionally, I proactively reached out to attendees via email and the event app to provide updates on the situation and advise them on contingency measures. This helped alleviate concerns and ensure that attendees were prepared for potential changes to the event schedule.
On the day of the conference, despite the weather challenges, the implementation of the contingency plan allowed us to seamlessly adapt to the situation. Indoor activities were well-received by attendees, transportation arrangements were adjusted without major disruptions, and clear communication helped mitigate any confusion or inconvenience.
Ultimately, by remaining flexible, proactive, and collaborative in our approach, I, along with my team, were able to successfully navigate the challenge posed by inclement weather and ensure a positive experience for all attendees.
What are the typical steps you take in the post-event phase?
In the post-event phase, I follow a series of steps to wrap up the event smoothly and gather feedback for future improvements:
Send Post-Event Survey: Distribute a comprehensive post-event survey to attendees to gather feedback on various aspects of the event, including content, logistics, and overall satisfaction. Summarize survey data to identify strengths and areas for improvement.
Review Venue Invoices and Reconcile Payments: Review and reconcile invoices from the venue and other service providers to ensure accuracy and finalize payment arrangements. This includes verifying charges against contractual agreements and resolving any discrepancies.
Update Event Budget: Update the event budget with final expenditure figures and revenue data (if applicable). This provides a clear financial snapshot of the event and helps inform future budgeting decisions.
Hold Post-Event Meetings: Conduct post-event meetings with stakeholders and key vendors to capture feedback and insights while the event experience is still fresh in everyone's minds. These meetings provide an opportunity to discuss successes, challenges, and areas for improvement, as well as to identify lessons learned for future events.
Express Gratitude: Send thank-you notes to team members, vendors, suppliers, and others who played a critical role in the success of the event. Expressing gratitude acknowledges their efforts and fosters positive relationships for future collaborations.
Plan for Future Events: If applicable, begin planning for future events by setting tentative dates and locations for the following year. This allows for early preparation and ensures continuity in event planning efforts.
These post-event phase steps ensure I have a comprehensive approach to wrapping up the event, gathering valuable feedback, and laying the groundwork for future success.
What key performance indicators (KPIs) do you use to evaluate the success of an event?
Evaluating the success of an event involves monitoring various key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess its effectiveness and impact. Here are some of the key metrics I utilize:
Event Surveys: Conducting post-event surveys to gather feedback from attendees regarding their overall satisfaction, session content, networking opportunities, and logistical aspects. Analyzing survey responses helps identify strengths and areas for improvement, informing future event planning efforts.
Event App Usage Metrics: Monitoring usage metrics within event apps, such as chat interactions, connections made, and engagement with session content. These metrics provide insights into attendee engagement and interaction levels throughout the event.
Session Analytics: Analyzing session attendance rates, duration, and participant feedback to gauge the popularity and effectiveness of individual sessions. Session analytics help identify topics and formats that resonate with attendees and inform content planning for future events.
Social Media Mentions: Tracking social media mentions, hashtags, and engagement levels related to the event across various platforms. Social media analytics provide valuable insights into attendee sentiment, brand visibility, and overall event buzz.
Total Registrations: Monitoring the total number of registrations or attendance figures to assess the event's reach and participation levels. Comparing registration numbers against previous events or industry benchmarks can help gauge growth and success.
Revenue and Cost-to-Revenue Ratio: Evaluating event revenue generated from ticket sales, sponsorships, exhibitor fees, and other sources against event expenses. Calculating the cost-to-revenue ratio provides a measure of event profitability and financial performance.
Sponsorship Satisfaction: Assessing sponsor satisfaction levels through feedback surveys or post-event discussions. Understanding sponsor objectives and measuring their return on investment (ROI) helps maintain successful partnerships for future events.
Returning Attendees: Tracking the percentage of returning attendees from previous events to measure attendee loyalty and satisfaction. High rates of returning attendees indicate a positive event experience and strong brand affinity.
By monitoring these key performance indicators, I am able to gain comprehensive insights into the success of the event, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to enhance future event experiences.
What advice would you offer someone just starting their career in the meetings and events industry?
To someone just starting their career in meeting and event planning, I would say....
Embrace the challenges! Meeting and event planning can be demanding and stressful, but it's also incredibly rewarding. Embrace the challenges and view them as opportunities for growth and learning. Stay resilient and maintain a positive attitude, even when faced with obstacles.
Develop strong organizational skills. Organization is key to success in this field. Cultivate strong organizational skills to effectively manage multiple tasks, deadlines, and details simultaneously. Utilize tools such as checklists, calendars, and project management software to stay organized and on track. Technology is your friend in this area!
Build rapport. Our industry is about human connection. Build strong relationships with clients, vendors, and team members.. Listen actively, ask questions, and follow through on what you say you will do. Remember, actions speak louder than words.
Stay flexible and be adaptable. Events are dynamic and often unpredictable. Stay flexible and adaptable to changes and unexpected challenges that may arise during the planning process or on event day. Approach problems with creativity and resourcefulness, and be prepared to pivot as needed to ensure a successful outcome. Don’t let them see you sweat!
Seek mentorship and professional development. Take advantage of opportunities for mentorship and professional development to further your skills and knowledge in event planning. Connect with experienced professionals in the industry, attend workshops and conferences, and pursue relevant certifications to enhance your expertise. Never stop learning!
Celebrate successes. Finally, take time to celebrate successes and milestones along the way. Whether it's a successful event execution, positive feedback from your manager, stakeholder, or personal achievements in your career, acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments to stay motivated and inspired.
This post is part of the HopSkip Planner Spotlight Series, where HopSkip spotlights planners across the industry to bring awareness of how important the meetings/events community is to our world. 

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