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Event Architects To Know in 2024 - Leah Winstead, apexanalytix

Written by Luke Whalin | Jul 15, 2024 2:14:54 PM

Welcome to the HopSkip Planner Spotlight Series, where we highlight event professionals making waves across the events industry to share lessons learned and raise awareness of their invaluable contributions.

Name: Leah Winstead

Company Name: apexanalytix 

Job Title: Global Event Director

Can you briefly tell us about your background in event planning and how you got started in the industry?
I am a seasoned global event planner with over two decades of experience, and I hold the highest designations in the industry, the CMP and CMM titles. Inspired at a young age by a passion for hospitality, I trace my roots back to the iconic scene in Pretty Woman, where the hotel manager imparts dining etiquette wisdom to Julia Roberts on which fork to use.
I have a Recreation, Parks, and Tourism degree, complemented by minors in Communication Studies and Business from UNC Greensboro. I laid the groundwork for my career through three hospitality internships and a part-time catering job. Post-graduation, I embarked on a trajectory that included pivotal roles at a Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) and a Convention Center. Subsequently, I coordinated continuing education events for a major healthcare system before assuming my current role as the Director of Global Events for a privately held software company.
My professional ethos revolves around a relentless pursuit of excellence and a commitment to ongoing learning, underscored by the attainment of the CMP and CMM designations. I am poised to leverage my extensive background and skills to contribute meaningfully to the nuanced landscape of global event planning.
How do you go about selecting the perfect hotel or venue? What factors weigh most heavily in your decision?
Selecting the perfect hotel or venue is a meticulous process, and several key factors heavily influence my decision-making. The initial impression of a hotel or venue is crucial, and I can discern suitability within the first 15 seconds of stepping into a lobby. The arrival experience, ambiance, and the manner of greeting all contribute to this assessment.
To initiate my venue search, I leverage HPN once I have identified the cities of interest for my leadership team. While the property's website provides valuable insights into meeting spaces, essential details are typically outlined in the Request for Proposal (RFP), ensuring that hotels bidding can adequately accommodate the group's needs.
Before finalizing any contracts, I make it a point to conduct an onsite visit. This is essential because, as we all know, photographs can be deceiving. Meeting with hotel staff, ranging from the front desk and concierge to wait staff, housekeepers, and any personnel encountered, offers valuable insights into the overall service quality. Ideally, I prefer staying onsite before the official tour, providing an opportunity to experience the property as an attendee would. This immersive approach allows me to gauge levels of customer service, cleanliness, and overall guest and employee satisfaction.
What does the initial planning phase of securing a venue look like for you? Could you walk us through your initial steps?
As previously mentioned, our collaboration with HPN is integral to ensuring that our contracts encompass all the necessary clauses and concessions tailored to our requirements. Adhering to the principle that "the answer is always no unless you ask," we diligently negotiate and finalize contracts to align with our event needs.
Once the contract is signed, the transition introduces me to the Conference Services Manager (CSM), who provides essential elements such as menus and facilitates the initiation of a pre-conference site visit. To streamline operations, I rely on an Event Specification Guide (ESG) meticulously crafted for each venue, serving as a comprehensive reference for all pertinent details.
The next crucial step involves an onsite pre-conference site visit. During this visit, I ensure that the onsite team is thoroughly familiar with our group's specific requirements. This includes meetings with the Destination Management Company (DMC) to coordinate and solidify arrangements for off-site activities in accordance with our event plan. This meticulous approach ensures a seamless execution of our events, leaving no detail overlooked.
What common financial challenges often arise when organizing an event, what strategies do you use to mitigate them, and how do you avoid them?

Organizing an event often presents common financial challenges, typically stemming from unexpected elements such as overlooked details in service charges or hidden fees in hotel contracts, like unanticipated housekeeping or porterage charges. To tackle these challenges, I employ a proactive approach.
One key strategy is to request banquet checks daily for thorough review. This allows me to stay on top of expenses and catch any discrepancies early in the planning process. Additionally, I insist on receiving rooming lists that include information on no-shows or cancellations, ensuring accurate billing and preventing financial surprises.
A critical aspect of mitigating financial challenges is fostering open communication. By establishing a transparent line of communication with vendors, hotels, and all involved parties, we can collectively identify potential pitfalls and address them before they escalate. This proactive stance helps avoid surprises that could have been averted through better communication, ensuring a smoother financial process throughout the event planning and execution phases.
How do you leverage technology to boost efficiency during the planning, execution, and post-event stages? What does your “event tech stack” look like? (For example, using Survey Monkey for surveying attendees post-event)
Leveraging technology is integral to boosting efficiency throughout the entire event lifecycle, from planning to execution and post-event processes. Our event tech stack is carefully curated to streamline various aspects of event management. Key components include:
Salesforce: As a robust Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform, Salesforce is employed for comprehensive event data management. It helps centralize information, manage contacts, and facilitates seamless communication with stakeholders.
Microsoft Teams: This collaborative platform enhances communication and coordination among the event planning team. With features such as virtual meetings, file sharing, and real-time collaboration, Microsoft Teams fosters efficient teamwork.
Survey Monkey: Post-event feedback is crucial for continuous improvement. Survey Monkey enables us to gather insights from attendees, speakers, and stakeholders through user-friendly surveys, providing valuable data to enhance future events.
By integrating these tools into our event tech stack, we enhance efficiency in attendee management, communication, data analysis, and post-event evaluation. This comprehensive approach allows us to optimize each stage of the event planning and execution process, ultimately delivering a more streamlined and successful event experience.
Do you use frameworks, templates, or other tools/documents to help you stay organized and manage the event planning process?
Absolutely, using frameworks, templates, and other organizational tools is essential for effective event planning, and it's great to hear about your success with the Event Specification Guide (ESG). Having a comprehensive document like the ESG is indeed a valuable asset in keeping the planning process organized and ensuring that all stakeholders are on the same page.
Your approach of creating a template that you can customize for each event, hotel, location, and timeframe is a smart and efficient strategy. This not only saves time but also ensures consistency in the information provided across different events. It allows you to focus on the specific details unique to each occasion while maintaining a standardized structure.
Having a centralized document that covers a wide range of details, from conference descriptions to room configurations and VIP information, is crucial for effective communication with various service providers. It helps prevent oversights, ensures that everyone involved has the necessary information, and contributes to a smoother execution of the event.
In the dynamic and detail-oriented field of event planning, having a reliable tool like the ESG is a testament to the importance of strategic organization and efficiency in ensuring successful outcomes.
Do you have any specific strategies or insights for enhancing the attendee experience at your events?
Enhancing the attendee experience is a crucial aspect of event planning. Here are some specific strategies and insights that I use:
Individualized Approach: Treating each event as unique and different allows attendees to have a fresh and tailored experience. This approach ensures that the event remains engaging and avoids a one-size-fits-all feel.
Post-Event Surveys: Taking post-event surveys seriously provides valuable insights into attendee satisfaction and preferences. Asking about the preferred city for the next event and their feedback on sessions, F&B, and more demonstrates a commitment to meeting attendees' expectations and preferences.
Communication and Confirmation: Regular communication, such as confirmation emails detailing logistics and special activities, helps manage attendee expectations and ensures a smooth experience. Providing clear and concise information contributes to a positive pre-event experience.
Event App: Having an event app is a contemporary and convenient way to keep attendees informed about schedules, activities, and any changes in real-time. This technological tool enhances the overall event experience and keeps attendees engaged.
Information Hub at Registration: The registration table onsite, doubling as an information hub, serves as a point of contact for attendees. Staffing the table with our key staff ensures that attendees receive immediate assistance, fostering a positive first impression and setting the tone for their overall experience.
VIP Treatment: Treating all attendees like VIPs conveys a sense of appreciation and respect for their commitment to attending the event. This personalized approach goes a long way in creating a positive and memorable experience.
Acknowledging Time Investment: Recognizing that attending events requires a significant investment of time from work and personal lives, it's essential to make attendees feel honored and appreciated. This acknowledgment contributes to a positive and gratifying experience.
By combining these strategies, event planners can create an environment where attendees feel valued, engaged, and eager to participate in future events.
Effective communication is crucial in any planning process. How do you ensure you and your event stakeholders are always on the same page?
Ensuring effective communication with event stakeholders is paramount for a successful planning process. Here's how we maintain alignment:
Regular Meetings: We conduct weekly meetings with key leadership stakeholders involved in the event. This regular cadence ensures that everyone is updated on the latest developments, promptly addresses concerns, and fosters a collaborative atmosphere.
Inclusive Communication: In addition to event planners, we involve those who are responsible for inviting attendees to the event. This ensures that not only the planning team but also those directly engaging with attendees are well-versed in the event logistics. This inclusive approach promotes a shared understanding among all involved parties.
Transparent Information Sharing: We prioritize transparency in sharing event-related information. This includes sharing event timelines, logistical details, and any updates that may impact the stakeholders' roles or responsibilities. Transparent communication builds trust and reduces the likelihood of misunderstandings.
Documentation: Keeping comprehensive documentation, such as meeting minutes, action items, and shared documents, aids in maintaining a clear record of decisions and responsibilities. This documentation serves as a reference point for all stakeholders and helps avoid miscommunication or confusion.
Training and Familiarization: We provide training sessions and familiarization opportunities, ensuring all stakeholders, not just event planners, are comfortable with the event logistics. This proactive approach equips them to answer questions from attendees and handle any unexpected situations during the event.
Open Channels for Questions: We establish open channels for questions and concerns before, during, and after the event. This can include dedicated communication platforms, email threads, or regular check-ins. Encouraging questions and addressing concerns promptly enhances overall understanding and collaboration.
By adopting these practices, we create an environment where effective communication is prioritized, stakeholders are well-informed, and everyone involved in the event feels confident in their roles and responsibilities. This collaborative approach contributes to a smoother planning process and successful event execution.
How do you facilitate networking opportunities among attendees? Are there any specific tactics or strategies that you recommend?
Facilitating networking opportunities among attendees is a critical aspect of our event planning strategy. To initiate connections, we organize welcome activities before the main event, such as catamaran boat tours, golf outings, or local tours. These activities create a relaxed setting, allowing attendees to interact informally and build connections before the formal sessions commence.
We encourage attendees to form smaller groups of four or more during these welcome activities. This group dynamic fosters a comfortable environment for networking, enabling individuals to get to know each other on a more personal level.
In terms of seating arrangements during the event, we have transitioned from assigned seating to open seating post-COVID. Allowing attendees to choose where they sit promotes a more relaxed and natural networking environment. We believe that when attendees feel comfortable, they are more open to meeting new people and expanding their professional network.
We also integrate diverse session formats into the event schedule, including roundtable discussions, interactive workshops, and Q&A sessions. These formats provide ample opportunities for attendees to engage with each other, share insights, and establish meaningful connections.
Additionally, we make use of event apps to facilitate networking. Features like attendee directories, messaging platforms, and virtual business card exchanges enable participants to connect digitally and plan meetups during the event.
Themed networking events and receptions with specific topics or industry focuses are also part of our strategy. These events allow like-minded individuals to connect over shared interests, enhancing the quality of networking interactions.
By adopting a combination of pre-event, during-event, and post-event strategies, we aim to create a conducive networking environment, increasing the chances of meaningful connections among attendees.
What's your go-to plan for handling emergencies or unexpected situations during an event?
Handling emergencies or unexpected situations during an event is a crucial aspect of event planning. Our go-to plan involves a strategic and discreet approach:
Service and Cost Recovery Opportunities: If the issue arises on the hotel or DMC side, we view it as an opportunity for excellent service and cost recovery. Working closely with the venue or service provider, our focus is on making things right for the affected party while minimizing any disruptions to the overall event.
Discretion, Privacy, and Respect: In the case of unexpected situations related to an attendee, our immediate response is to handle it with the utmost discretion, privacy, and respect. Maintaining confidentiality is paramount, as well as ensuring that the individual's privacy is protected and the situation is managed professionally.
Swift Resolution: Regardless of the nature of the emergency, our goal is always a swift resolution. We have established protocols and a responsive team in place to address issues promptly and efficiently, minimizing the impact on the event and its attendees.
Communication Strategy: Clear and concise communication is key. We have a pre-established communication strategy to inform the necessary parties without causing unnecessary panic or disruption. This includes liaising with relevant stakeholders, staff, and if needed, local authorities.
Maintaining Normalcy: Throughout the resolution process, we strive to maintain a sense of normalcy for other attendees, staff, and the general public. Our priority is that they are unaware of the emergency or unexpected situation, ensuring that the event continues smoothly and without disruption.
Post-Event Evaluation: After the event, we conduct a thorough post-event evaluation, analyzing the emergency response and identifying areas for improvement. This feedback loop is integral to refining our emergency management plan for future events.
In handling emergencies, our overarching goal is to ensure the safety, comfort, and well-being of all attendees while maintaining the integrity and success of the event. Through proactive planning, swift response, and discreet management, we aim to navigate unexpected situations with professionalism and efficiency.
Can you share an example of a significant challenge you faced while planning an event conference and how you overcame it?
A significant challenge we consistently face is securing sufficient sleeping room inventory for our events in attractive destinations. Our conferences typically run from Sunday to half of Tuesday, but many attendees love to extend their stay over the weekend to enjoy the destination. The dilemma is securing Friday and Saturday night rooms, which proves to be a challenging feat.
We adopt a proactive and transparent approach during the contracting process to overcome this challenge. We openly communicate our scheduling constraints and our attendees' demand for extended stays. We forge a collaborative relationship with the hotels by being upfront about our needs for weekend nights.
One successful strategy is aligning our event schedule with the hotel's potential opportunities. Many hotels are open to hosting weddings or social events for locals on Saturdays. This arrangement allows the hotel to generate revenue from food and beverage services while our attendees occupy the sleeping rooms. It turns out to be a win-win situation: the hotel meets its revenue goals, and our attendees have the flexibility to extend their stay seamlessly.
This approach addresses the challenge of room availability and strengthens our partnerships with hotels. The key takeaway is the importance of open communication and collaboration during the contracting phase, allowing both parties to find creative solutions that meet their respective needs.
What are the typical steps you take in the post-event phase?
In the post-event phase, our typical steps vary depending on whether we host or attend the event:
For Events We Host:
Post-Event Email: Immediately after the event, we send a comprehensive post-event email to all attendees. This email includes links to a feedback survey, presentations from the event, event photos, speaker bios, and any other relevant resources or materials.
Survey Collection: The post-event survey is a crucial tool for gathering feedback. We encourage attendees to share their thoughts on the event's content, organization, and overall experience. Analyzing this feedback provides valuable insights for future event planning.
Networking Opportunities: We include contact information for attendee networking in the post-event email. Facilitating connections among attendees even after the event helps to sustain the networking momentum and fosters ongoing collaboration.
Data Analysis: We thoroughly analyze event data, including attendance metrics, survey responses, and any other relevant statistics. This analysis guides our post-event evaluation, helping us identify areas of success and areas for improvement.
Follow-Up Communication: Based on the survey feedback and data analysis, we send follow-up communication to address any concerns, express gratitude for attendance, and provide information about upcoming events or initiatives.
For Events We Attend:
Post-Event List: If we attend an event, we typically receive a post-event attendee list or a list of booth scans, depending on the nature of the event. This list becomes a valuable resource for follow-up activities.
Follow-Up Outreach: We use the post-event list to conduct follow-up outreach to individuals we connected with or who visited our booth. This can include sending personalized thank-you emails, sharing additional resources, or initiating discussions for potential collaborations.
Feedback to Host: If applicable, we provide feedback to the event host or organizer. Sharing insights on our experience as an attendee helps them improve future events and contributes to the overall success of the industry or community.
Documentation and Reporting: We document key takeaways, lessons learned, and successful strategies observed during the event. This documentation becomes a valuable resource for future event planning and informs our overall event strategy.
By diligently following these post-event steps, whether hosting or attending, we aim to maximize the impact of the event, gather valuable insights, and maintain positive connections within the industry or community.
What key performance indicators (KPIs) do you use to evaluate the success of an event?
To evaluate the success of our events, we employ a set of key performance indicators (KPIs) and leverage tools such as SurveyMonkey and Salesforce. The primary KPIs we focus on include:
ROI Tracking: We use Salesforce and other tools to track the Return on Investment (ROI) of our events. This involves analyzing the costs associated with organizing the event against the revenue generated, directly attributing business opportunities and closures to the event.
Business Opportunities: One of our ultimate KPIs is tracking the creation of new business opportunities stemming from the event. This involves identifying potential partnerships, collaborations, or sales leads that originated during or as a result of the event.
Closed Deals: We closely monitor the number of closed deals that can be directly linked to the event. This KPI provides a tangible measure of the event's impact on our business objectives and overall success.
Attendance Metrics: We analyze attendance metrics, including the number of registered participants, actual attendees, and their demographics. Understanding who attended our events helps us tailor future events to our target audience.
Survey Feedback: We utilize surveys to collect detailed feedback from attendees. We assess survey responses to gauge overall satisfaction, identify areas for improvement, and understand attendees' perceptions of the event's value.
Engagement Metrics: For virtual events, we measure engagement metrics such as session attendance, interaction in chat or Q&A, and overall participation levels. These metrics help us assess the effectiveness of virtual engagement strategies.
Social Media Metrics: We monitor social media metrics, including mentions, shares, and engagement related to the event. This provides insights into the event's reach, impact, and the level of interest generated within the broader community.
Content Effectiveness: We evaluate the effectiveness of event content by analyzing attendee feedback on presentations, workshops, and other sessions. This helps us understand which topics resonated most with the audience and informs our content strategy for future events.
Networking Success: For events that emphasize networking, we assess the success of networking opportunities by tracking connections made, post-event collaborations, and any partnerships that originated during networking sessions.
Our overarching goal is to provide a best practices event that not only brings people together but also contributes to the success of our business objectives. By actively reading and incorporating feedback from surveys, we continuously strive to enhance the quality of our events and ensure each event is an improvement on the last.
What advice would you offer someone just starting their career in the meetings and events industry?
For someone just starting their career in meeting and event planning, here is some advice:
Participate in Internships, Practicums, and Volunteer Opportunities: Gain hands-on experience by participating in internships, practicums, and volunteer opportunities related to event planning. This will provide valuable insights into the industry and help you build a practical skill set.
Work with a Mentor: Seek out a mentor in the field who can guide you and share their expertise. Learning from someone with experience can offer valuable insights, advice, and a deeper understanding of the intricacies of event planning.
Learn Everything You Can: Be a sponge for knowledge. Learn about various aspects of event planning, including logistics, budgeting, vendor management, and customer service. Attend workshops, webinars, and conferences to stay updated on industry trends and best practices.
Embrace Stress Management: Event planning can be a high-stress job, often requiring long hours and quick decision-making. Develop stress management techniques early in your career to cope with the demands of the role. Prioritize self-care to ensure you can consistently perform at your best.
Detail-Oriented Organization: Develop a keen eye for detail and strong organizational skills. Event planning demands precision in coordinating various elements, and meticulous attention to detail is crucial to ensuring a seamless and successful event.
Customer Service Excellence: Prioritize exceptional customer service. Event planners often act as the face of the event, and delivering outstanding service contributes to client satisfaction and the overall success of the event.
Confidence in Decision-Making: Build confidence in making quick decisions. Events are dynamic, and being able to make confident decisions on the spot is a key skill. Trust your judgment and problem-solving abilities.
Be Unforgettable Behind the Scenes: A successful event planner is one who makes the event shine, not themselves. Strive to execute events seamlessly, leaving attendees with positive memories while working behind the scenes. Your impact may not be immediately visible, but it will contribute to the event's success.
Remember, event planning is a rewarding but demanding profession. By actively seeking experiences, learning continuously, and developing essential skills, you can build a strong foundation for a successful career in meeting and event planning.
This post is part of the HopSkip Planner Spotlight Series, where HopSkip spotlights planners across the industry to bring awareness of how important the meetings/events community is to our world.