Every month HopSkip analyzes data from around the meeting and events industry to understand trends in the market. HopSkip picks a few of the most relevant trends from research conducted throughout the month and we share those data points with the rest of the community.
Data Point #1:
Convention center bookings for 2023 are pacing 13% over 2022
What this tells us:
This is exciting news and a great trend to see! With an impressive 13% increase over 2022 figures. Get ready to see more people gathering together and making meaningful connections next year!
Data Point #2:
43% of planners will be booking their next event in Q1'23
Source: https://www.costar.com/article/92879038/convention-center-bookings-boost-optimism-for-hotel-group-business-in-2023?utm_source=pardot&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_campaign=news-junkie&utm_term=organic
What this tells us:
Overall, the data suggest that significant numbers of planners are looking to plan their events in Q1'23 to ensure they can carry out proper event coordination with enough time before their scheduled date.
Data Point #3:
Group demand will grow 10% over 2019 in 2023 after being off 15% in 2022.
What this tells us:
The data provided tells us that group demand is set to grow in 2023 after a downturn in 2022 due to the pandemic. This suggests that there is a significant recovery potential for organizations that are involved with group activities, such as event planners and tour organizers.
Every month HopSkip analyzes data from around the meeting and events industry to understand trends in the market. HopSkip picks a few of the most relevant trends from research conducted throughout the month, and we share those data points with the rest of the community.